| 1. | Implementing corporate values and corporate culture 提升企业价值观和企业文化 |
| 2. | Corporate value innovation and sustainable development 创新企业价值理念实现永续创新 |
| 3. | Controlling stake , financial leverage and corporate value 国有及民营上市公司治理的比较研究 |
| 4. | Demonstrating corporate values - which standard for your company 企业价值的证明.企业适用的标准 |
| 5. | Corporate values and ethics programme -企业道德与价值观课程 |
| 6. | Corporate value : maximize value for society and business 企业价值观:持续为社会、为企业创造更大价值。 |
| 7. | The creation of core competence , accounting core competence and corporate value 财务核心能力与企业价值创造 |
| 8. | Corporate citizenship is one of our core corporate values 鲍曼博士说:履行企业公民责任是西门子一项核心企业价值观。 |
| 9. | Corporate value programs 企业价值观方案 |